Autobiographical Excursions and Aneurisms

*Brief* introduction here, if desired. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque sit amet pharetra diam, et semper dui. Cras varius lorem hendrerit, laoreet quam quis, dapibus odio. Etiam imperdiet nisi id commodo commodo. Nulla quam tellus, scelerisque condimentum finibus hendrerit, convallis quis metus. Vestibulum finibus libero sagittis nunc varius tincidunt. Aliquam purus tellus, pulvinar non posuere non, hendrerit id lacus. Sed interdum leo in tellus rutrum lacinia. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Maecenas dapibus, magna ut tempor posuere, leo odio aliquam enim, sed sagittis nulla lectus id mi. Nullam eleifend auctor viverra. Curabitur nec turpis dignissim, tristique nisl sit amet, vestibulum risus.

  • On Becoming a Twin: When Twins Fail to Twine, Then do Twine, and Thrive
    (Biography and Autobiography)
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    This narrative, of sufficient length it warrants being considered a small book, has a process (It indeed has been a process!) as mysterious as it has been abrupt; and yet, since its beginning, it has been thoroughly concrete though incremental, complicated yet refreshingly simple, and in some ways still mysterious even as it continues to take on further definition.
  • What Does "Mad as a Peach Orchard Boar" Mean?
    (A Didactic Descent into the Perils of Porcine Perversions)

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    So take my word for it: Rotten peaches don’t have enough alcohol in them to get a hog drunk. I’ve even spent time carefully smelling rotten peaches, and yes, I say to those of truncated olfactory faculties: alcohol does have a smell. Rotten peaches, at best, occasionally have a trace of alcohol. I even consulted a very accomplished chemist whose hobby (and vice?) is making home-made wine. Mainly he makes dandelion wine, but occasionally he makes other wines, including peach wine (which I find delicious!).
  • Jimmy the Tailor
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    There are people who go through life and somehow never quite seem to live. Maybe some of them weren’t very much alive to begin with. I once viewed a man, who was barely a man, in a mental institution when I was working in Iowa. This man had been born with virtually no brain, and was just a tiny fetal-like body lying there. This creature barely seemed alive. I knew another man, not quite so “compromised” (as the descriptive kindly puts it), who was retarded, cheerful, almost monstrous-looking because he was (as the neurologists neutrally put it) microcephalic.

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